Reviews & Recommendations
Jan Taal, Drs , internationally recognized authority on the role of imagination in health, has created an instrument which all mental health professionals will find immensely useful for both diagnostic and therapeutic purposes.
For patients the Imagery Toolbox is a rich self-help coping tool, full of exercises and means to do on your own and mobilise inner strength.

The ‘instruments’ in the toolbox give direct access to sources of meaning and healing powers that shelter in every person. With the Imagery Toolbox, mental and medical health professionals and caregivers get hold of Gold! ”
Ready for use with little advance preparation required
This is a wonderful creation, a “one-stop” set of aids ready for use with little advance preparation required.
I am positively impressed with the Imagery Toolbox 3.0. Having myself survived cancer 40 years ago when cancer treatment was exclusively biochemical (and fairly brutal), I can testify that inner experiences were in fact the decisive factor in my own healing. I could only wish that I had had such a resource as the Imagery Toolbox when I was going through the tough times when I had cancer! This set of resources is helpful not only for cancer patients, but for anyone undergoing serious illness or personal crisis.
The Imagery Toolbox 3.0 is a worthy, non-profit addition to the field, providing simple, easily understood and user-friendly tools and techniques to support personal wellness, and a wonderful resource for guides, counselor and therapists to help people on their healing journeys.
Treasure chest
When you open the box containing the high-quality materials, it feels as if you have found a magic treasure chest. . . that invites the mobilization of inner forces.
The description of the methods and working with the materials is focused on working with cancer patients, but can of course be used for a broad target group.
Powerful tools in psychotherapy
Besides being a treasure chest full of jewels, offering a powerful source of inspiration, healing and inner freedom for those facing disease or crises, the material contained in this treasure chest also stimulates the creativity of the therapist himself and invites him to invent new ways of using it! In my psychotherapeutic practice I have used the toolbox, even with people not suffering from cancer and other chronic diseases. I found the stimuli always really interesting because imagination and artistic work are powerful tools for each of us!
As a social worker I came into contact with the Imagery Toolbox when I followed a training courses at the Amsterdam School for Imagery. Working with the symbol cards has since occupied an important place in my work in guiding people with cancer. I am touched every time I see how the symbol cards bring people to their deepest feelings and help them express their fears, sadness, anger and illness experience.
Already for six years
With the help of the “imagery of the good place” from the Toolbox, I go to an imaginary place every sunday morning already for six years, where I can relax and receive energy, and really go there.
Imagine that, on arrival as a patient in hospital, you are given a box of crayons, modelling clay, a notebook, dvd, symbol cards, etc…. and that you are urged to draw, write, visualize, even sing. Crazy? Not at all. In fact much new research shows that the activation of our creative circuits gives huge benefits for alleviating of pain, overcoming pessimism, and bringing to life our real Self. This box is a wonderful gift.